Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Is Hell fer Real?

You gotta enter God's kingdom through a very small door. They's a eight lane broadway to hell, though, and it's bumper to bumper all the way. -Matthew 7:13

I'm on the highway to hell. -ACDC

I'm here to tell y'all the truth, best as I know it. You don't gotta worry that this is a bunch a religious mumbo jumbo. I hate religion. Religion has done more to cause destruction on this planet (especially now) than anythang I could ever imagine. It's just a load of crap. Just a bunch of nuts tryin' to impress God and man with some stuff they done. Or tryin' to appease an angry God. It's so dang misled.

With all that said, let me tell ya, apparently hell is a very real thang. King Jesus talked about it a lot. Folks don't like to think about it, but it's gonna be very real and very unpleasant. Ever'body should think about it, on account a you don't wanna go there. Now, I've heard lot's a sermons in my lifetime about how hell and hot it is and how long it lasts.  Let's just suffice it to say, it's gonna be real bad and last a lot longer than anybody would want it to, and may involve extended viewin's of The Star Wars sequels.

What I find interestin' about this verse up yonder is that it says exactly the opposite of what conventional wisdom will tell ya. See, ya gotta be kindly a rock and roll rebel to be a real Christian. Conventional "wisdom" will say they's all these many ways to heaven and ever'body is gonna go and it's gonna be wunnerful and full of fat free foods. That ain't what the Good Book says. Its says exactly the opposite. It says there's one way and ain't many folks gonna find it. That one way is King Jesus. Some times you gotta be a rock and roll rebel and go the opposite way a ever'body else.

Stevie Rey is the arthur of The Hillbilly Bible.

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