Saturday, January 30, 2016

An Epidemic of Loneliness

I ain't gonna leave y'all as little ole orphans without nobody in the world, I'm a comin' back to ya. -John 14:18

Don't leave me now. Now that I need you. -Elvis Presley 

This ole world is so cruel, y'all. I wished it wasn't. It's why King Jesus give us a sanctuary from the cruelty of the world called the church. But for many even the church has let 'em down. What do ya do? Has somebody in the church molested ya? Lord help us. That stuff goes on. Them kind orta be hanged at high noon. They need to be subject to the law. They's criminals and ort not to be given no mercy. That's how I feel about it. 

But King Jesus come so's that even if we're alone, we ain't alone. When ye git saved, he comes right into yer heart and he's right there all the time. Never lonely again! Never! And ye can be forgiven of anything...even that there Child abuse that I was talkin' about. Yeah, I know, that's hard to accept, but it's true. Folks can be forgiven of anything....if'n they truly repent and come to King Jesus fer forgiveness. Otherwise, folks is gonna bust hell open like Gene Simmon's Demon Boots! Hell ain't gonna be fun! Don't go! You don't have to! Don't nobody have to!  Religion will not save ya! King Jesus said ya gotta be born again!

That there SoCal Media has made us all lonely I reckon. Ain't that a funny thang? What was supposed to bring us all together has done torn us all apart. Crazy ole world, y'all. Folks need King Jesus. It ain't about religion. I cain't stand religion. Been there done that. Worst thang in the world. Now it's got idjits just a blowin' folks up and what not. Religion is a great tool of the Devil...if'n ye ain't figured that out, yet. It's probably his best one. Don't git religion. Git Jesus. Nobody that ever got King Jesus regretted it. 

Somebody says, "How dare you call me a sinner!! I've been in church all my life!!!" Tell it to the next yahoo, feller. Yer a sinner like me. Now git down on yer knees and ask King Jesus into yer heart before you die and go to hell. He's comin'. Yer runnin' outta time.

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