Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Day I Kicked My Own Tail

My heart ain't proud, Aw Lord, and I ain't on a high horse; I ain't a gonna worry bout stuff I cain't control.  But I just up and told myself to sit down and shut up; like a little ole baby with his momma, that's how I finally got myself to calm down.  -Psalm 131: 1-2 (The Hillbilly Bible)

Mercy. We can plumb git outta control with plannin' and worryin' and manipulatin' and huffin' and puffin'.  We ain't blowin' nobody's house down but our own.  Boy, how we work ourselves up in a tizzy about it all. What am I gonna do to pay these bills?  Lord, what about my love life?  Lord, what if Disney messes up Star Wars!

Folks, I am the King of workin' myself up in a tizzy 'bout stuff that don't amount to a hill a beans.  Sometimes ya gotta take a switch to yerself and wear that little tail out!

Stevie Rey, sit down and shut up!



Give it a rest, Stevie!

Git over there in that corner til ye dry up!!!

Then ye commence to blubberin' , like when ye was a baby and and momma did'n git ye no Stretch Armstrong fer Christmas.  But finally, after all the blubberin' ye quiet down and yer a lot better. Sometimes we gotta do that to ourselves. Ain't nobody else gonna do it! And we would'n dare tell nobody 'bout all the stuff that goes through our heads.

Y'all, we need to git back to livin' in the moment. Enjoyin' today....who knows how many tomorrows are even left....and ye git to the end and find out ye spent all yer todays up worryin' about a tomorrow that never came. Kick yer own tail if'n ye gotta, but git yer head right. You and me ain't gonna ever figure it all out. And we ain't gotta. We just gotta trust the one that does have it all figured out.

Stevie Rey is a writer, humorist, rockstar wannabe, and author of The Hillbilly Bible.  He resides in Memphis, Tennessee.

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