Saturday, September 26, 2015

The End of The World...It Ain't the End of The world Y'all

Y'all ain't never seen ner heard of nuthin', and ain't nobody ever even imagined in their noggin' what God has been gittin' ready for folks that love him.  -1 Corinthians 2:9

People get ready, there's a train a comin'. -Curtis Mayfield

Lately I been feelin' like it's the end a world. Religious heatherns in funny hats tryin' to rule the world and scoopin' up the praise that's due only to King Jesus, politicians lyin' and lyin' and then lyin' some more, dogs and cats livin' together, that kinda thing. It's enough to make ya wanna pour ye a bubble bath and snort it...just to escape fer a spell. 

But folks the End a The world ain't really the end a the world. It's the beginnin' of heaven. Yeah, it's gonna git bad before King Jesus comes back, but it ain't gonna last all that long and it's all because the heartherns has got to have the mess shook out of 'em to wake up. And a lot of 'em will. They's gonna be a great harvest and that's what it's all about. Somebody said pain is God's megaphone and he'll send as much as it takes to git yer attention because he loves ya. 

God ain't a man. He don't think like a man.  He does things we cain't git our heads around, things that may seem cruel or mean in our minds, but we gotta trust that it's fer the greater good. It is always fer the greater good. In the case a The Great Tribulation it's to wake folks up so's they trust King Jesus and make it to heaven. The Good Book says that we ain't never heard ner seen ner even imagined what God has been preparin' fer us. 

Think of all the great worlds that have been imagined in the mind a man. All the great sci-fi that has been written. Lord of The Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, God says heaven is gonna be better than all them cool places in that there sci-fi. It is truly gonna be amazin'. I don't want none of y'all to miss it. Somebody says "I cain't be a Christian! I don't even like Christians"...hee hee...I didn't either. To me they all seemed like a bunch a brain warshed hypocrites...BUT I liked this Jesus feller. So I just took it one step at a time. 

Now, these days God put love in my heart fer Christians (real ones)...on account a they are my brothers and sisters and big fat sinners like me. All one big messy family, tryin' to git through this ole world and home to heaven with King Jesus. Don't you wanna be there?

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