Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hearin' Voices

My little ole sheep hear me when I call, I know who they are, 
and they foller after me. (John 10:27)

I hear you calling, voices are here again. -Godsmack

Did ye ever hear them there voices? I did. Here's what they was a tellin' me. "You ain't no good."...."You cain't do it"...."You'll never amount to nuthin'"...."Why don't you just end it all." ....that was the devil talkin' to me. I reckon he talks to lot's of folks these days.

But then one day I just up and become a Christian. Lot's of folks hates me now fer no good reason on account of it. I reckon King Jesus said that was how it was a gonna go. It don't matter none, though!! On account of I don't hear no voices, no more....I heared a new one onced King Jesus come into my heart. He say's wunnerful stuff to me..."I love you"...."You can do this, Stevie Rey" ...."I believe in you, Stevie Rey"....I gotta tell ye, it was worth to have all these folks hatin' on me and ridiculin' me! I don't even care long as I got this wunnerful King Jesus in me, helpin' me along the way!

I know y'all may hear some voices too. Some of 'em say horrible stuff to ye. I know. I been there. I know what the devil is like. He ain't no good. I want ye to come on to King Jesus with me. I'm one voice leadin' y'all to the King. Come on with me and you'll hear his voice too. I reckon we ain't got long, so don't take too long to make up yer mind.

Love and Hugs from Memphis,
Stevie Rey

Stevie Rey is the arthur of The Hillbilly Bible

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