Saturday, October 24, 2015

I Wonder What Makes God Mad

On account a the curtain has done rose on "the wrath a God show" all the way from heaven agin' all kinda godlessness and heathern actin' ways of folks that don't want the truth to come out about their heathern ways. (Romans 1:18)


If the darkness reveals the end of days. I'll follow you til there's no more hell to pay.  -Stryper


Do y'all reckon God ever gits mad? I wonder what would make God mad? What happens when God git's mad? Does it come up a storm? A big storm? Does it come a earthquake? How does God's anger manifest in this here world...since he's a Spirit and all? 

Does the plight a the homeless folk make God mad? Does the way we done messed up this here world with pollution make God mad? Does mean folks make God mad? Does that there Monsanto make God mad? If so he's probably pretty mad. Does war make God mad? If so he's probably pretty dang mad.

Does the middle east situation make God mad? If so he's probably pretty dang mad. Does corrupt politicians make God mad? If so, he's probably pretty dang mad. Does income inequality and racism meanness make God mad? When do ya think God will say...Enough!!!

What is the worst injustice you could think of? Murder? Done to the person that deserves it least?...the innocent? Who is innocent? Is little babies in the womb innocent? They ain't come out to do no sinnin' yet, so I reckon they are more innocent than the rest of us. I wonder if killin' little babies would make God mad? I wonder how mad it would make him? Just thinkin' out loud y'all. 

Stevie Rey is the arthur of The Hillbilly Bible.

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