Saturday, November 14, 2015

Why I Need King Jesus More than the New Star Wars

Like a little ole dawgy pants fer the water bowl, 
that 's how much I need ye, Oh Lord. 
-King David, Psalm 42:1

I need love, love, ou, to ease my mind. -Phil Collins

I can't get no satisfaction. -The Rolling Stones

I need the Lord. Here's why. All human beans need love, y'all. Unconditional love. We need it. We crave it. Bad. Sometimes momma n'em give it to us. Sometimes not. Sometimes we try to git it from the family dawg. He gives it purdy good, but it don't satisfy. We need it right down in our hearts...boy how we need it. If'n we ain't got it, we'll try to git some love from donuts and hookers, way may try to git some love from whiskey or meth. But them thangs ain't got no love that satisfies.

They's also the problem that deep down we know we ain't all that lovable. We done looked at the porn hub again last night. And give the fanger to the feller that cut us off in traffic. We swindled some folks and stole from the office and cheated on our taxes. We ain't as bad as ISIS shootin' up the town and sech, but we ain't no Mother Theresa neither. We know we don't really deserve that kinda unconditional love so much. We know. We may not wanna admit it, but we know. 

That's where King Jesus comes in. He paid the price fer when we had hookers and lied and cheated and stole stuff. I don't know why God done it that way. I guess he done it cuz he wanted to. Ye ever loved somebody so much that ye wanted to prove it? Ye wanted to take a bullet fer 'em or sumpin'. King Jesus loves us that way. God loves us that way. At the end a the day, I don't rightly know why God chose to do it this way. It's kindly a that there Trans Pacific Partnership. I do know I need King Jesus more than the new Star Wars...and I need that pretty bad.

Stevie Rey is the Arthur of The Hillbilly Bible, and a bone-if-I'd Memphis Rockstar Wannabe. 

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