Saturday, November 21, 2015

ISIS is Kindly Sissified and King Jesus is A Comin'

But mark my words: The last days is gonna be horrible times.  Folks is gonna love money and themselves and not much else, braggin' all the time, et up with pride, lewd, crude, potty mouthed blasphemers, mean and cruel to ma and pa, not thankful fer nuthin', godless. They's gonna lose their basic humanity, cain't git along with nobody, ain't never got nuthin' good to say about nobody, ain't got no self control, no mercy, don't look up to good folks, betrayin' their friends, high falutin' narcissists, doin' whatever feels good instead of seekin' the Good Lord...tryin' to look good on the outside, but not really interested in bein' transformed from the inside out by the power of God. Treat 'em like they got the plague. -2 Timothy 3:1-5

Don't worry, baby. Everything will turn out alright. -The Beach Boys

I ain't even sure I wanna write this blog anymore. I look too much like the feller up yonder!!! ^. Sweet Lord Jesus hep me. Do you realize that whole passage ain't about heatherns at all!!!???'s about church folk!!!  What in tarnation!!!??? Mercy. If any heatherns is readin' this right now. I wanna say I'm sorry...not just fer me, fer the whole church. Boy, oh boy, we got some work to do. We got to make ourselves humble, and admit we're too much like that feller there ^. Sweet Lord Jesus hep us to do better. Hep us be more like you.

The end of the world is a comin' y'all. If the good folks is actin' like heatherns and the heatherns is actin' like....well heatherns, it's time fer King Jesus to come back. We got that there ISIS runnin' round blowin' stuff up and shootin' folks like the nincompoops they are. ISIS is the poster children fer how religion is just a bunch a mess. So is the feller up yonder ^. When I was growin' up ISIS used to wear skirts and be on Saturday mornin' cartoons....I reckon they's still kindly sissified...what with bein' cowards and all and blowin' up innocent folk. Maybe they should wear skirts...but I digress.

I wanted to say somethin' to y'all. These times is scary. Gosh almighty. I don't want you to live life scared. Make yer peace with God through King Jesus. Ask him to fergive ye and come into yer heart and save ye from all this mess. Please. You'll have Peace like a River like the song says. There ain't much time left. But don't live life scared. That's what them sissy's ISIS want. It's gonna be ok. The wrath of God is comin'. Jesus is comin'. He's gonna take care of ever'thang. God's wrath has gotta come to wake folks up. He's been real patient fer a real long time. Folks has been pokin' the bear fer decades...the bear just lifted an eyebrow. uh, oh.

Stevie Rey is a heathern in recovery. He wrote The Hillbilly Bible. He don't know why he's speakin' about himself in the third's kindly highfalutin.  :-)


Catherine Zoller said...

You make me laugh. And we all know that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine! Keep it up Stevie. I'm a fan!

Stevie Rey said...

Aw...thank ya dear. I am a huge fan of Catherine Zoller!

Margo Carmichael said...
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Margo Carmichael said...
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Margo Carmichael said...

Havin technical difficulties here! Come, Lord Jesus!

Margo Carmichael said...

Havin technical difficulties here! Come, Lord Jesus!