Friday, August 14, 2015

Don't Mess with Israel...Or Else.

The Good Lord commenced to bellerin’ out from heaven; you could hear his voice all over the place. -Psalm 18:13  

That's my girl there and I'm a man who cares and this might be all for you. -Lynyrd Skynyrd

God cares about Israel. So we ort to care about Israel. God says that folks will be blessed that cares for Israel....and he also says that folks will be cursed that don't. I reckon it's God's way of protectin' his people.  When yer the chosen people, folks is always jealous and out to git ye. And the devil too! It's been this way since time immemorial. 

These folks has been hounded all over the planet. Killed and murdered. Put in ovens. Put in chains...and they cain't even have their own itty bitty country without idjits wantin' to divide it up and conquer it. Stupid. It's straight from the devil and whoever is in on it is doin' the devil's work. The Good Book says to bless Israel. That ain't rocket science.

God can be a vicious warrior. Are you vicious in protectin' yer family? If'n ye ain't, ye ain't no good. What if some ole bad men come to git yer little girl and roughed her up and had their way with her? Would ye git mad? Do ya think God is much diff'ernt? I heard somebody say "God don't Kill." That's crazy. God kills sometimes. He killed 185,000 Syrian warriors in one night to protect Israel durin' the days of Ole King Hezekiah. (See 2 Kings 19:35)

Folks it's the same God it's always been. He'll go to war fer Israel. The best way I ever heard it put was this here: "Aslan is Good. He is not tame, but he is Good." We can know that God is good. Always. But we cain't know that God ain't gonna up and kill a bunch a folks fer messin' with Israel. It's happened before and He's the exact same God He has always been. It could happen again....especially in this day and age when the whole world is against Israel.


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